Now I'll probably list them individually on Etsy next week.
Oh yeah, back to the subject of nasty nits. My friend Luarna read my blog and rung me up straight away, very concerned :) There's one thing I hadn't tried... good old vinegar! I'm off to try it now. It'll be such a laugh if $3 worth of vinegar does what $70 of expensive treatment couldn't do!
NOTE: It is now 8pm, and yip.... $3 worth of vinegar did what $70 worth of treatment couldn't do! I am now itch free.... ahhhh. The relief! I may do a quick tutorial. People need to know! Thanks Luarna!
Fantastic. I have some feedback. I find the font on the "bluegrass in my bones" hard to read. i couldn't make out the "B" and the "G". i had ot expand the picture so i could read it properly.
Ok, but I still really like it! Maybe it's my camera making it fuzzy? May change it then... I'll think about it...
Could just be my eyes. they aren[t best at himes. even with my glasses on. The font is very "bluegrassy"
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