Thursday, July 15, 2010

This mighty power

Here's a sermon from me to me. The topic? Don't confuse conviction with condemnation.Conviction is God bringing something to mind that is wrong. You confess, repent (turn from it) and then don't think about it anymore! "As far as the East is from the West, so far has he removed our transgressions from us". Psalm 103

We are now free to talk to God, to worship him and enjoy him.

Condemnation is that nagging feeling that God is just not happy with us (me), that there's something I'm not doing that I should and that, in fact, whatever I choose to do - is not the right thing. Especially in the area of doing nice things for myself - relaxing or doing anything I enjoy - I just feel guilty!
But the bible says "But God longs to be gracios to you! He RISES to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of Justice. Blessed are they who wait for the Lord" Isaiah 30

New Lesson I am learning : the word of God is a sword. USE IT. I have memorised Ephesions Ch 1 and am just memorising verses that pop out at me. Especially useful has been the (Ephesians) verse: the incomparable power for all who believe. This power is like God's mighty strength which exerted itself in Christ to raise him from the dead.

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