Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Frugality is fun

Finally replaced the drawer runners in Catherines drawers. I thought it was going to be hard and expensive. Turned out to be easy and cheap!


And I seem to have unintentionally worried a friend with my bragging about my $20 a week budget.
I guess I didnt mention that I had greens from our garden, and we got given fruit too.
So... we are fine.
I think we have a bizare idea of what poverty is in this country. On Cambell Live last night they had a story on child poverty, which was kinda riviting, and because I seem to fall into what they think is poverty, kinda annoying. One of the questions was "Did you ever think youd have to teach children with boils, scabbies and head lice?"
Head lice?? Ever heard of polio? Malaria? Whooping cough?
I think I'm going to write to my sponsored kid right now, and say "Hey, guess what... we are so poor we might catch head lice". 

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