Monday, February 11, 2013

how to refashion jandals (flip flops)

No money for shoes!! so I went and painted my jandals! Wrapped some left over lace around the thongs and stuck a button and a bow on the centre. This is totally living on the skinny!!!

Haha!! and check out my house last night. I tidy up every morning, and by the end of the day it always looks like this!


Plus, I made myself a headband out of a left over scrap of knit fabric. Just tied the ends together a viola.

Do I look dumb??


dcpeg said...

You never cease to amaze me!! Your creativity knows no bounds! The t-shirt idea is great and I'm sorely tempted to try it for myself. And no, you don't look dumb. The scarf and ponytail look great together. And only you would have thought to refresh flip-flops. They look amazing.

Janney said...

So nice of you to say Peg :)