Monday, May 10, 2010

Etsy's featured seller interview.

Well, I've decided since I may never make it as Etsy's featured seller, I'm gonna make believe I am! Here's my interview!....

Tell us about yourself.

I am a quiet 31 year old mother of an outgoing little 5 year old girl. I first worked as a signwriter when I was 17 , learnt the trade and met alot of hard case people. I started my own company, Define Design in 2005, but am now throwing myself into arts and cratfs because my desire for happiness is exclipsing my desire for cash!
Apart from creating things, what do you do?
Well, nothing much exciting... I spend alot of time trying to keep the house from looking like a bomb-site (and I'm not even particularly a neat-freak). I like to read books, especially the bible and the classics. I am in a little church band called "New Zill" (based on how kiwi's pronounce New Zealand) and I garden when I'm in the mood and I have a 1979 Datsun Sunny which I am doing up.
What made you want to become an artist?
Well, I remember as a kid, I would draw a picture and I can remember kids saying "FAR! Are you going to be an ARTIST when you grow up?" (insert South Auckland accent here)
As far as craft goes, I remember making pompoms when I was ten and selling them at school. I've always enjoyed making things, could knit when I was eight and was a prolific cross stitcher starting at around 11.
What hand-made possession do you cherish the most?
I have a cool wooden pastry board made by my Dad. When he retired he set about tring to make the perfect pastry... and then he showed me how. It fits perfectly into the sink one way, for washing, and just fits over it the other way.
In ten years, where would you like to be?
I'd like to be looking back at the previous ten years saying "Man, I really made the most of that!"

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