So... I have a new friend! Linda, from my church.
And she's arty too. She also married into a large family who have big family events and they asked her to make a family tree, and look what she's come up with.
I asked her if I could put this on my blog... coz it's in our garage, and I'm helping her paint in the black swirls, so there's a little bit of me in there too.
There's still a bit to go. The main black branches are the 19 kids of the grandparents, who had kids... who had kids! So there's gonna be branches off branches off branches. (Well, shes thinking the Grand and great grandchildren may be leaves and berries for claritys sake)
What a marvelous idea! That family tree is going to be beautiful and so meaningful when it's finished!
yes, I hope so too :)
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