Well the friggin rust came back in my back window! So I've had another go today. This time I cleaned the rubber as well (which may have been the problem), and bought myself a stripping disk for my drill. No 45 min sand and scrape.. just 5 minutes with my drill!
But whataya know... this has been the rainiest summer ever!! I thought I could get this done inbetween showers... well, I felt I had to. We might not get many sunny days... so while it rained I covered the window with a drop sheet. But I don't know if it was wise, coz as I went to paint, the branches overhead dripped water onto the wet paint!! Oh well. It's gonna be hidden under the rubber anyhow.
Check out my bogging anyway. I'm totally getting better at this!!
Hopefully we get some sunny days in the coming months before winter sets in again. I want to get the whole thing painted and re-signwrite my van to what it was.... before I peaced-out my van in an attempt to get some freedom.
Did I tell you? My new neighbour is a christian and hes gonna get me to signwrite his ute, and he said he'll pray for my business to pick up. I really feel God wants me to do the word of mouth thing. I keep hearing that phrase.
I sure can't do what you do, very impressive. Good luck, hope business picks up for you.
Sure you could!!
You rock, woman! I have a wimpy battery-operated drill -- nothing serious like yours! I also have a Dremel I've never used . ..sigh. It scares me.
oh you can get them sooo cheap now... I'm sure this one was only 20 bucks or something!!
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