I read "Word for Today" as my daily devotional. I really feel that God has helped me in the simple things in the last few years. For example, giving up tea and going to bed early. Here is the devotional for today, full of good wisdom.
There's an old Chinese proverb that says, "A diamond cannot be polished without friction, and a person can't be perfected without trials." We all want to live stress free without having to work at it, but it can't be done.
So, look at these 15 suggestions.
1. Take time each day to pray and read God's Word: it'll transform your outlook
2. If in real life you look like your passport photo, take a holiday, you need one!
3. What goes up must come down, so cut back on caffeine and sugar!
4. Eat right - a balanced diet isn't having a cookie in each hand!
5. Exercise three to five times a week for 30 minutes; it's nature's remedy for stress
6. Develop better time management habits; "use it or lose it"
7. Make room in your life for fun and relaxation
8. Get eight hours of sleep when possible
9. Maintain your sense of humour "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit aps a person's strength (Proverbs 17.22)
10. Start counting your blessings. The Psalmist said, 'Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits" (Psalm 103.2)
11. When you talk to yourself, say the right things. Your words affect you more than others
12. Simplify your life by elimination clutter. If you haven't used it for two years, you probably don't need it
13. Develop a sense of purpose by seeking God and setting personal goals
14. Forgive; grudges are too heavy to carry; 'if you refuse to forgive others, you Father will not forgive you' (Matthew 6.15)
15. Read the last chapter of the bible - we win!
Companionship in the Wilderness at Advent
2 months ago
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